How to determine a signboard location that is easy to see

Find the location in a visual field where the target is easily seen.
Examine the detectability of a target that has been installed or which is to be installed.
How to design a signboard that is easy to understand

(1) Adjust the size of letters to make them easier to read.
(2) Select a combination of colours that is easy to distinguish.
(3) Examine the contrast of coloured letters to ascertain whether they are easily read.
Do you know how a signboard looks when the light goes out?

In a dimly-lit environment, differences in colour (chroma) and brightness (luminance) become difficult to discern. Letters and symbols with a low contrast can be invisible.
How to design a document that is easy to read

(1) Adjust the size of letters to make them easier to read.
(2) Select the kerning and leading of the text to make it easy to read.
(3) Examine the fineness of the picture and lines to ascertain whether they are easy to see.